The prostate is a gland in the male sex who are small and located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Prostate cancer is cancer that attacks the prostate gland, where cells of the prostate gland grew abnormally uncontrollable so urgent and damaging surrounding tissue can even lead to death.

The cause of prostate cancer is not known for certain, but there are some things that can increase a person’s risk exposure, namely age, family history, hormones, diet high in fat and toxins. All these factors as causes of prostate cancer.

The symptoms of prostate cancer:

1. frequent urination
2. difficult urination
3. pain when urinating
4. bloody urine
5. pain during ejaculation
6. bloody ejaculation fluid
7. Erectile disorders
8. hip or back pain
9. etc.

How to prevent prostate cancer there has been no special effort for this. Early detection to diagnose this disease is the best at this time. Men aged over 50 years is highly recommended for this examination. And this can be done once every year. If there are families who suffer from this, screening can be performed at the age of 40 years.

Treatment of prostate cancer are: By monitoring through examination of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), removal of the prostate gland, radiation, hormonal therapy. Elections are conducted by doctors, depending on disease stage and the patient’s condition.